If ever Venus could be overwon,
Then never needed Sodom plot her crime
Against her holy guests, and burn like lime;
Or Phædra die to know her stainless son,
(For she had found some cure besides that one);
Or Myrrha cheat her father for a freak
Of natural love; or Polyphemus’ songs
Be sung to earless trees and voiceless throngs.
Thinkst now thou canst prevail, where these were weak,
Against the sting of Canaanite and Greek?
Be sung to earless trees and voiceless throngs.
Thinkst now thou canst prevail, where these were weak,
Against the sting of Canaanite and Greek?
Yet once Minerva armed one, who impugned
The goddess’ swanny car. He stuck her wrist;
She gaped, and daring nothing to resist,
Watched gleaming ichor dribble from her wound,
Then fled aloft to heaven, where she swooned.
The goddess’ swanny car. He stuck her wrist;
She gaped, and daring nothing to resist,
Watched gleaming ichor dribble from her wound,
Then fled aloft to heaven, where she swooned.